Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Critic Who Slammed Tom Hardy On Twitter Has Officially Quit Doing Press Junkets!

In case you missed it, Tom Hardy was SLAMMED on Twitter by film critic Drew McWeeny after Hardy allegedly made reporters wait "four hours" during a press junket for The Revenant!
The Inception star fired back, claiming he wasn't aware he did such a thing.
Well now, the Hitfix writer has responded, and he is done doing press junkets…
In a lengthy article published on Wednesday, the columnist said:

"First, I'll use this space to say that I'm done with junkets. I've been done with them for a while, but I am genuinely done with them now. That's not to say I won't do interviews, because I love having a great conversation about craft with a filmmaker or a performer… What I won't do any more is subject myself to a fundamentally broken system, not until studios begin to deliver on what they promise in a consistent and professional manner."
He even justifies why his anger was directed at the British thespian:
"I've been doing this for almost 19 years now, and there comes a certain point when you've had enough bad encounters that it adds up. There was a Drop junket in Toronto that was a nightmare. There was the Fury Road junket where I interviewed Tom and observed again just how unhappy he seems with that part of the business, albeit with a little more sympathy than frustration at that point. My encounters with him stretch all the way back to the first screening of Bronson at Sundance, where Nicolas Winding Refn and I were talking in the lobby after the first screening and Hardy couldn't be bothered. And in each of those cases, I have my perspective on what happened, and Hardy has his."

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